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how to make text highlights/comments denser when printed

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 35

I am using acrobat 8 pro and the text highlight tool to highlight keywords/phrases in pdfs containing mostly text. While the yellow highlight looks good on the screen, when I print it comes out in such a faint shade that you can barely see it.
My question: is there a way to alter the density of the highlight when it prints (preferably without changing how it looks on the screen)?
Thanks a lot.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 49
right-click the highlight and ensure it's opacity is 100%.

Other than that there are no settings. You could try refrying by prining the highlighted pdf, to the Adobe PDF printer. (use a different file name) and to print the refried pdf to the normal printer instead.

Or try highlighting using a different colour.

EMEA Acrobat Technical Support

Registered: Apr 25 2008
Posts: 6
I have a related question about the Highlight Tool. I use it a lot and would like to use shortcuts for multiple highlight colors.

I know how to change the default highlight color, but is there a way to add a second, third, etc. highlight button for different colors?
