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Huge File Size

Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 4

Hi - I have taken a 90 page contract, used OCR recognition so that it can be editible and saved it. The size was 2.6 MEG. No problem. I then created about 30 Bookmarks and used the Highlighter, saved it, and the file is now 56.0 MEG. Big problem. I should also mention that I used about the same number of Sticky Notes too.

I have used the PDF Optimizer and it came down almost in half but 28 MEG is still too big. Is there something I should've set up front before I Bookmarked to keep the file size manageable?


PS - when I Audited Space Usage, 98.5% were images. Bookmarks was relatively low.

Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Hello Mark,
In Acrobat: Choose Document > Reduce File Size.
Select the version compatibility that you need, and click OK.
If you’re certain that all your users use Acrobat 8 or Adobe Reader 8, limiting compatibility to the latest version can further reduce file size.

If you want to control changes and quality trade-offs, use PDF Optimizer, which makes more options available.

Also read these two knowledge base articles on the subject.

Reduce PDF file size
Limitations of redistilling PDF files (Acrobat 6.x-7.x)

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 4
Thanks for the feedback. I had already done all those things and it did bring the file down to about 28 MEG which is still too big. However, I think I know where the problem is now... I compared this to other contracts I have and saved a new file each step of the way... It seems to be when I took the document in PDF pix form and used the OCR Text Recognition function (so that I can highlight words / sentences and copy and paste outside the PDF). It took a 2.6 MEG file and made it into a 37.6 MEG file. There are no pictures or tables in the document... I may print the file using a lighter ink (make it so it's not so dark) and then re-scan, then do the OCR Text Recog again and see the result... I have other contracts that are no problem. The only difference I can see is that the "problem" contracts appear to be older and maybe a bit darker... When I performed the "audit" function in the PDF Optimizer, Images was the big space hog...
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 4
Hi - I have found the solution. It's doing things in proper sequence...
1) take the 2.6 MEG PDF then use the OCR Text it (but set the Downsample to Low (300 dpi) first. The saved file will increase to 56 MEG;
2) then click on Optimize Scanned PDF (under the Document menu). This saved file will be reduced to 4.3 MEG.
I had used PDF optimizer before, re-scanned, etc... it's just a matter of doing the above 2 points in proper order...