I'm using Acrobat Pro v8.0, and have created a custom stamp that uses my scanned signature with a dynamic date field. I review large documents and need to stamp each page after I have reviewed/edited. The placement of the stamp is variable.
Is there a way to stamp using a mouse button or key that requires only one action? I've enabled the single-key shortcuts ("K" for the stamp tool), but this still requires two actions - pressing the "K" key and then the left mouse button. Selecting the stamp from the toolbar then stamping the document also requires two actions.
This sounds somewhat trivial - but for example, I'm currently reviewing a 5000-page document, which requires around 10,000 actions. If it matters, I'm using a Microsoft wireless mouse that has programmable buttons - but it will not let me assign a letter (like "K") to a button - it has to be a 2-key combination like K.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
You can also create a special button for any of the stamps, even custom stamps. Each custom stamp has an associated menu item. If you can figure out the internal (device independant) name of the menu item, then you can run it from a JavaScript toolbar button. JavaScript toolbar buttons are created with Folder Level script.
You read a tutorial on turning menu items into toolbar buttons here, it also covers figuring out what the internal menu item name is.
Thom Parker
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