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Merging and managing comments

Registered: Jul 13 2011
Posts: 14

Adobe provides user notes on how to use Acrobat X Pro. Go to
Acrobat 9 Pro has a horizontal review of comments that is the width of the window, but Acrobat X Pro has a very small vertical pane for list of comments. The above Adobe note imparts that the horizontal review of comments has been retained in Acrobat X Pro as depicted in the figure used by Section 2 - View the comments. The other Sections also depict the classic Acrobat 9 Pro horizontal review of comments. My search has failed to locate how to switch on the horizontal review of comments mode.
Assuming that Adobe is publishing accurate notes for its users; how does one switch on the Acrobat X Pro’s horizontal review of comments?
Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Accepted Answer
The obvious problem, as with most issues, is the underlying assumption, i.e., "that Adobe is publishing accurate notes for its users". That document appears to be for Acrobat 9. Someone just pasted Acrobat X Pro on the header and footer. You can tell that its for a previous version of Acrobat because the instructions for viewing the comments pain are "If the comments list isn’t already open, choose Comments > Show Comments List". The Comment menu does not exist in Acrobat X.

If you've been watching this forum you'll have seen several other posts about misleading documentation. Makes you wonder who's managing this stuff.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Jul 13 2011
Posts: 14
Hello Thom, that is a terrible indictment of adobe’s commitment to its users. It is very hard and time consuming for a company to get a world class reputation; which is soon lost in a moment of haste to publish misdirection. If true, one wonders how much configuration management is invested into the software. Let us hope that Adobe is willing to correct its published misdirection and chastise those involved; so that this becomes a very rare occurrence. Kind regards.