I work with pdfs that must go through a review cycle of sorts. I received pdfs from clients then make my own comments to these pdfs. I converse with my clients about the subject of the pdf and they update the pdf, sometimes removing or even adding to the page count. Like I said is a bit of a reverse or bizzaro review cycle but it is what it is and it is the best option I can see for now. My clients do not need to see my comments nor do I want them to as these are notes just for me to remind me of an aspect of the subject. These pdfs originate from filemaker 7 and a Xerox copier using Paperport to convert hard copies into pdfs. PDF Split/Merge software is used to combine the pdfs into a single file that is then passed on to me.
I want to take my comments from the previous pdf and put them on the revised pdf but the comments are in the wrong place. This only happens when the pdf has fewer or more pages. I am using ver. 8 Acrobat standard. What am I doing wrong?
One other thing while I am posting, I would like to auto create bookmarks in these pdfs but none of my clients know how. Any clue? Is there any tags that I can use to create the bookmarks once I get the file? These pdfs can go into the 200 page count range and it would be nice to move through them quickly with bookmarks if they are not too much trouble to create.
Thanx all.
To automatically create bookmarks in an existing PDF, I would recommend investigating some of the bookmark tools list in Duff Johnson article at:
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.