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Moving Comments Placed On Top of Fields

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 19

I have a pdf fillable form with various type fillable fields on the form. However, when I add a comment to the form (i.e. sticky note, text box, stamp, etc.) and place the comment on top of an empty field, I am unable to go back later and move that comment to another location. Is there a way to move a comment after if it has been placed on top of a field?

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Registered: Feb 15 2006
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Is your form a LiveCycle Form or AcroForm? I'm not having this problem with either forms technology. The only time the comment is not selectable is when the keyboard focus is already on the text field under the comment. Otherwise I can select the comment.

But here's an idea. Don't place comments over top of a form field. Leave at least a corner in clear space.

Thom Parker
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Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 19
The form was made in Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1. Even when the keyboard focus is on another field, this happens...??

When I attempt to click on the comment to select it, so that I can move it, it seems that only the "underlying" text field is's as if the comment is "buried" a level below and is no longer accessible. And the problem is that I sometimes need to put a comment on top of a form field...and unfortunately won't always be able to put a corner of the comment in clear space...

Is there some type of "layer" feature that will allow me to access the "buried" comment?


Registered: Sep 25 2008
Posts: 1
Maybe my comment should be posted separately, but it is related in general to "not being able to move comments."

When using shared reviews and someone places a balloon comment on top of text on the page, and then submits the comment; nobody coming along after than can move the comment off of the text. Therefore, others reviewing the material cannot read what is under it. GRANTED---- you can inform your users to not place balloon comments on top of text, but you are going to have those that do just that. Instead, how about Adobe injecting some usability with the commenting tools??? You should be able to move these balloons out of the way so you can read the text underneath.