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Page offsets when summarizing comments

Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 4

I use the 'Commenting' and 'Summarize Comments' features in Acrobat. The PDFs I receive from my clients are typically generated from the original AutoCAD drawings or TIFFs that are generated from the original AutoCAD drawings. On several occasions the comment summaries that I create have the drawing shifted off the viewable page by approximately 1.4 inches to the left. I have found in a document set that contains several sheets it is very consistent (meaning if one is offset, they are all offset and vice versa). Has anyone experienced this offsetting issue? I can send an example if that might help. Thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.3, Windows
Registered: Dec 4 2009
Posts: 5
Dear Acts29;
I've experiences on pdf&autocad relations. If you send an example, i'll work on this issue.
Please mail to : trgy_33_k [at] hotmail [dot] com