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Registered: Jan 31 2007
Posts: 4

When trying to enable commenting in Acrobat, I get an error message reading “You do not have permission to write to this file.” Has anyone encountered this & what's the fix?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 10 2006
Posts: 413
Hi rocketdog (catchy name) --

If you aren't allowed to write to the file it means there is security attached to the file. You have to ask the owner of the file (the person who secured the file) to enable commenting rights.


A prolific author and writer of many Acrobat books, as well as books on graphic and Web design software.
Donna lives on a lakeshore in central Canada, where all manner of wildlife from muskrats to coyotes come to call.

Registered: Jan 31 2007
Posts: 4
No. Even trying to enable commenting via the originating author does not work. I've tried disabling security but the area is grayed out. This problem is really disrupting our work flow.
Registered: Sep 22 2009
Posts: 1
This topic appears to be hung without an answer so forgive me asking the question again.
I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro version 7 and I am having the same problem as rocketdog.
My colleague has created a PDF (with no security as checked on the security tag all items are "allowed") and sent it to me. I then need to enable this file for comment (he does not have pro) to send to someone else to mark up.
I am getting the error message "You do not have permission to write to this file." And sure enough I can not add comments.
I have sent the files to a colleague and he has been able to open them and enable for comment without problem. He is using Pro 8.

What is my problem?