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Printing comments on one page

Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 20

Hi, I have a document that has comments attached to it. There are 139 pages and only specific pages have these comments. Is there any way to summarize these comments onto one page instead of one page per page of comments. In other words, if page 14, 22, 35, 46 and 75 have comments, I get right now 5 pages of comments. I only want the summarization on one page not 5. can anyone help?

Thanks. This is URGENT

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You will have to write a custom JavaScirpt to create that report.

The example from the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference under the 'Report" object:

// Get the comments in this document, and sort by authorthis.syncAnnotScan();annots = this.getAnnots({nSortBy: ANSB_Author});// Open a new reportvar rep = new Report();rep.size = 1.2;rep.color =;if (annots) {rep.writeText("Summary of Comments: By Author");rep.color =;rep.writeText(" ");rep.writeText("Number of Comments: " + annots.length);rep.writeText(" ");var msg = "\200 page %s: \"%s\"";var theAuthor = annots[0].author;rep.writeText(theAuthor);rep.indent(20);for (var i=0; i < annots.length; i++) {if (theAuthor != annots[i].author) {theAuthor = annots[i].author;rep.writeText(" ");rep.outdent(20);rep.writeText(theAuthor);rep.indent(20);}rep.writeText(util.printf(msg, 1 + annots[i].page, annots[i].contents));}} else {var msg = "No annotations found in this document, %s.";rep.writeText(util.printf(msg, this.documentFileName));}// Now open the reportvar docRep ="myreport.pdf"); = "End of the month report: August 2006"; = "Summary of comments at the August meeting";

George Kaiser