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Problem with Customize Comment & Markup Toolbar

Registered: Nov 26 2008
Posts: 3

I customize Comment & Markup toolbar in Tools -> Customize Toolbars and click only the options Sticky Note and Rectangle Tool. Close the Adobe. Anything problem just here. Open the acrobat or document file and it show : Sticky Note and Rectangle tool.
But the problem is when I power off and power off the PC. Comment & Markup Toolbar is all.

Help me, please.

And sorry, I dont write very well english...

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Perhaps this will help.

With Acrobat open, place your cursor in and to the right side of the tool bar ribbon at the top.

Right click with the mouse to open the context menu.

Select the entry "More Tools...
In the More Tools dialog box, scroll as needed to locate the entry for "Comment & Markup Toolbar".Confirm that the box at the left of "Comment & Markup Toolbar" is checked/selected.Deselect/uncheck all entries under Comment & Markup Toolbar that you do not want to have shown when you have this toolbar pallet open.Now, whenever you launch Acrobat and then open the Comment & Markup Toolbar you will only have the selected/checked features present in the toolbar.Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Nov 26 2008
Posts: 3
Thanks a lot daka630, but my continuous problem...

"Right click with the mouse to open the context menu.

Select the entry "More Tools...
In the More Tools dialog box, scroll as needed to locate the entry for "Comment & Markup Toolbar".Confirm that the box at the left of "Comment & Markup Toolbar" is checked/selected.Deselect/uncheck all entries under Comment & Markup Toolbar that you do not want to have shown when you have this toolbar pallet open."I do it.
But shut down a PC, and the Comment & Markup Toolbar is changed. Only this toolbar, I try with others toolbar and it's works prefectly.
My version is 8.1.1 adobe acrobat professional.

Registered: Dec 3 2008
Posts: 1
Hi, my associate and I are reviewing a large pdf document we received. We both need to comment. If I make comments or create bookmarks while we are collaborating by viewing the file from a shared network,we are unable to save the comments and bookmarks without first saving it to a new location. I have tried to set up a shared network location using the basic steps that I am familiar with, but have not been able to successfully verify the location. I have followed the format without success. Does someone have a suggestion?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

...Only this toolbar, I try with others toolbar and it's works prefectly.
Some things to consider:
(1) Perform a "repair" of Acrobat -> Help > Repair Acrobat Installation...
(2) Update your Acrobat 8.1.1 to 8.1.3
First obtain and install the update to release 8.1.2 then obtain and install the update to 8.1.3.

A PDF out on a network that is accessed/opened by one or more users cannot be saved or deleted by another.
Basically, the network "locks" the file.
My understanding is that collabrative environments such as WebDAV or SharePoint, avoid this particular network centric behavior.
Given that a network share is what you have you may find it simplest (in the long run) to coordinate the timeframes
you and your co-worker access the file.

Be well...

Be well...