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Protect a PDF against edition with Acrobatbut allowing annotations.

Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 4

Using Acrobat 8,

Is-it possible to get these two goals together:
1- Make a pdf file ready for annotaions with Reader
2- Protect the file against unwanted text modification.

From what I understand now, if someone has Acrobat Pro, he can just save a copy of the file save for annotations ans, bingo, he can edit the text.



Summary: Protection of a PDF against unwanted edition with Acrobat but allowing annotations with the Reader.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Reader does not have the Text Touchup tool, so Reader can never update text. And for commenting Reader needs the PDF with special rights enabled or need to have additional services provided for reviewing.

Now if the PDF is sent to someone with any Acrobat variation, you now have the problem that a reviewer could modify the text. Adobe provides some standard security options that can lock the content of the PDF but allow commenting.

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 4
gkaiseril wrote:
Now if the PDF is sent to someone with any Acrobat variation, you now have the problem that a reviewer could modify the text. Adobe provides some standard security options that can lock the content of the PDF but allow commenting.
Thanks. That's what I'm looking for: the security option that would prevent someone to modify the text using an Acrobat variant and at the same time allow those with Reader to make annotation to the same PDF.

Could you be more precise about this option ? (because as soon as I put any protection on a PDF, I'm unable to enable the Comments fonction for the Reader, but I probably missed something).

