Is it possible to use a stamp in Reader 8 even with the comment security turned on. I am in the Architecture Business and get drawings from various contractors in PDF format, we have to review and return with comments. Currently we print the drawings out, stamp them, date received etc, comment on them, then use a new stamp showing if they are approved or returned with comments.
It would make more sense to stamp them in Reader which would be clearer. Ideally the stamp should behave like a block in Autocad where a dialog box puts up with various options and you could type or tick a box revelant to what you want to do, press ok and you have stamped your PDF.
Any help would go a long way.
You'll need to Reader-enable your document to allow commenting in Reader. You might also want to take advantage of dynamic stamps. For more detail on both topics check out the following link:
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for