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Stamp tool question.

Registered: Nov 6 2007
Posts: 4

Is there a way to use the dynamic stamp tool to stamp multiple pages at one time. When I send ten pages to my boss for approval, she has to click the stamp tool icon, select dynamic, and then APPROVED on each page. It would save time after her review that she could select which pages she wanted to approve at one time. I know after the APPROVED stamp is selected that you can just click on the stamp tool versus having to drill down to the APPROVED selection but like a way to select pages then multiple page stamp.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
No, but one can cut and paste an annotation by keystrokes or by using JavaScript to copy all the annotations.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 7
You can also use the shortcut key K, to access your last used Stamp.
For this you need to set in your preferences, 'use one key hotkeys' ore somthing ( i have a non english version...)

With this hotkey and you mousewheel I stamp a lot of pages in a short time!
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
You can also create a Preflight droplet in Acrobat 8 Pro. that places the same type stamp on each page. If you create a new profile, this is located under Fixups in the Pages category.

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