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Stamping Multiple Pages - Preflight options

Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 25

I am trying to stamp multiple pages and found the post regarding using a preflight profile:

Another way to add stamps to the entire document is to use the Preflight feature (Advanced --> Preflight) in Acrobat Pro. You can start by selecting "Edit " in the Preflight menu. Then click the "+" to create a new Profile (you can call it Stamp) and then select Fixups. Under the Fixups menu select "+" to bring up the Preflight:New Fixup menu. If you select the Pages icon you notice that the right menu lists the type of fixups available for "Pages" and Stamps is one of then. Set the stamp options you want and then this Profile can be run at any time. You can also create a droplet of this new Profile and drop your PDFs on the droplet icon and the PDF will automatically be stamped.

I have followed these instructions but for some reason no stamp appears. I understand you cannot use a custom stamp. I chose the Approved stamp. Even created a droplet. But no stamp, the results for my fix up say 0 successful, 0 failed. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Also is there a way to apply a stamp to a certain page on several documents. For example, page 7, bottom right corner in 5 different documents.

Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Have you tried running the Profile within the Preflight tool instead of using the droplet? Just open the PDF and then select the Profile in the Preflight tool and Exceute. Does it operate correctly at this point?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 25
No that did not work either.

I did notice that my profile looks different from the others though. It is listed under the Custom Profiles, which each have a magnifying glass with a P in it and a wrench before their description. Mine has this but they are both greyed out unlike the other profiles. Could this be a sign of something?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Did you use the "+", to create your stamp fixup, from under the All available fixups or the "+" under Fixups in this profile?
If the former, then you still have to move your stamp fixup into your stamp profile.
A grey circle/ball indicates that the property has no content/instructions.

This worked for me...
Open Preflight (Shift+Ctrl+X)
Select Options > Edit Preflight Profiles
In Preflight Edit Profile dialog box, at bottom left, click on Create a new Preflight profile (the "+").
If this is the first "create" the Custom profiles group is created.
Name the profile (default is New Profile (n)). I named the profile "Stamp".
Enter the profile's Purpose, Author, & Email if desired.
Set the Group in which you want the profile to reside. I left it in Custom Profile, PDF fixups might be an intuitive alternate choice.
Click Save.

Your back to the dialog with Name: | Purpose: | Author: etc.

At the left, in the list of profile groups, you'll observe Custom profiles.
If not selected, do so and then select the new profile just created ("Stamp").

All properties in the profile are greyed out. That's ok. Select the "Fixups" property.
A new dialog box presents itself.

Under "Fixups in this profile:" (has the empty pane...)
Click on the "+" (Create new fixup and include in current profile).
In the Preflight Create Fixup dialog...
Name your Fixup (Stamp perhaps) or use the default name (New Fixup (n)).
From "Fixup category" select Pages. Under "Type of fixup" select Stamp page (at bottom of list).
As appropriate, enter Author: | Name: | Contents:
Enter the values for the stamp's position.
[imo - setting up positioning is somewhat less than intuitive but I think I've got it...]
Click OK.

Fixup "Stamp" is now listed in the Fixups in this profile pane and, under the Stamp profile, the Fixups property is no longer greyed out. The wrench is present.

Click Save then OK.

Open a PDF test the Stamp Preflight.

Be well...

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You can gain much greater control over applying the standard stamps, the same ones in the preflight tool, by using JavaScript. This may be a little more difficult to set up. But once it's in place. JavaScript is much, much easier to use, and faster, than preflight.

this.addAnnot({type:"Stamp", AP:"Approved",page:6, rect: (...)});

I didn't specify where the stamp is placed on the page. This is for you to decide. But this code can be called from a batch process or from a toolbar button. This one line places one stamp on one page. But it could also be put into a loop for placing it on all pages.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 25

daka630 - Thank you for your detailed instructions, they were very helpful. Unfortunately I am still struggling - please excuse my ignorance but I am not sure what I am supposed to be putting in the "Content" field and how to figure out the positioning of the stamp ( I want it to appear in the bottom right corner). Are there some secret coordinates I am unaware of? I have searched through all the Acrobat help docs but have found nothing to help me with either of these questions. Can you tell me where I can find more info? Thank you

thomp - I would love to use JavaScript but I am completely clueless on this. Are there any tutorials you know of that I can work through? Also is it possible to use a custom stamp with JavaScript? Thank you.
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Unfortunately, custom stamps are more difficult to automate. In fact, for what you want it's a very awkward process. However, once the stamp is on a PDF, it can be easily coppied to other pages using JavaScript.

Here's an article on placing annotations with JavaScript

Here's an article on PDF page geometry

Here's an aticle that explains how to create an Acrobat toolbar button with JavaScript

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Thank you for your post with the links. The articles were informative.
Must admit that I'm still a little befuddled with the coordinate system.
I've read Adobe documentation that alludes to the top left as always being
(0,0) which is consistent with what's shown by the Info tool.
Well, just means more to learn .For lilaria,
Acrobat help identifies a stamp is a type of PDF comment that may be opened to display a text annotation.
This text annotation would be the value for the "Contents" field.
When your cursor hovers over the stamp a "tool tip" displays the content or, if you open the "pop-up" note you see the content. This is the content you can pre-stage via the preflight.

Working with the information Thom provided I played with the preflight stamp positioning.
Try these values -
Left: 432
Bottom: 36
Right: 576
Top: 156

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There are several coordinate systems used in Acrobat. The info window uses a modifed version of Rotated User Space. There's also device space, which is the OS's window coordinate system, it also starts at the top left.

But for placing things onto a PDF page there are two main spaces "Default User Space" and Rotated user space. Both put (0,0) at the bottom left corner, sort of.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script