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Sticky Notes from Word Doc?

Registered: Jun 28 2010
Posts: 4

We are creating training materials in Word and then produce PDF files from these Word files for distribution to our students.

We would like to add content that can be hidden/displayed by the user. We thought Sticky Notes would work for this.

Our issue is we don't want to add the Sticky Note and text in PDF by hand."
Doing this makes the work flow more complicated and problematic (not saying it's mechanically difficult, but our workflow makes it hard. All content is supposed to be created and maintained in a Word co...

We want to be able to add it to the Word doc (or reference a file that has the desired SN text) and then, most likely through scripting (VBA and PDF?), we want to produce the PDF file with Sticky Notes created, attached at the right place and containing the text we want.

Being a rank noob with PDF, could someone please point me to resources, samples, help for doing this.

Can this be done"?

What we *really* want is to embed multimedia content (Text, Graphics, Tables) into a PDF document that is hidden and can be exposed when clicking something like a button.

Perhaps a PDF Form is better for us than Sticky Notes: create a button to display our content? If so, can this also be done "programmatically"?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Displayed Comments, in an MS Word file can become Notes ("Sticky Notes) in an output PDF.
In the Word tab of Adobe PDFMaker, tick "Convert displayed comments to notes in Adobe PDF".

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