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text box tool, properties bar

Registered: Jun 5 2007
Posts: 4

Acrobat 8, Windows: Is there a way to permanantly select a font size for the text box tool? I know I can change the size using Properties Bar, but this change only affects the current text box. The next time I create a text box, I have to change the font size again. I am required to use this method for marking up page proofs, and so have to create a lot of text boxes. Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi CynthiaL,

In Acrobat 7 (I don't have 8 on this machine, but I think it works the same)after creating one text box with the Text Box Tool and setting the font you want with the Properties bar, select the whole text box, right click and choose "Make Current Properties Default." Subsequent text boxes should have the properties of the first text box without needing to make changes each time.

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jun 5 2007
Posts: 4
Thank you so very much for your timely and accurate answer. Is there any where at all in the Acrobat help system where I could have found this answer? Because I had to do this work today, I spent several hours in the early a.m. trying my best to solve this problem, to no avail.