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TYpewriter issues

Registered: Sep 24 2007
Posts: 4

We have adobe Pro 7.0 and occaisionally need to add test to a document. We have checked security settings and there should be no reason the text does not appear, it seems to be users of reader and other lower versions. Our compatability is set to Adobe 5.0 and higher...but the bottom line problem is the new text may appear on the document we have edited - but does not print !! Help : (( (

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
If you would like Reader users to access the Typewriter tool you'll need to Reader enable the document for them (Tools --> Typewriter --> Enable Typewriter Tool in Adobe Reader). To print the markups make sure that you select "Document and Markups" under the Comment and Forms drop-down menu in the Print dialog.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for