I just upgraded from Pro 7.0 to Pro 8.0. When I try and change the preferences for typewriter it comes up blank. I want to change the type color to black from the default of red and can't figure out how. Also, in 7.0 once I selected the typewriter tool, I could click anywhere in a document to make a comment or fill in information. In 8.0 is seems to require reselecting the tool each time I wish to type in another section of the doc. Am I missing something?
If you open a context menu on the Typewriter tool the Typewriter preferences dialog box is empty. I suspect this is a bug in the current version and should be fixed with a maintenance upgrade.
Not sure how you're getting red text though. The default is black text.
The new default in Acrobat 8 is to deselect the tool when you move the cursor outside the text box.
To be sure your wishes for new features are reported to Adobe, log on to the Knowledge Base (Help > Online Support > Knowledge Base) and ask for Preference options to control the behavior of the Typewriter tool.ted
The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.