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Unable to add network file name (send for shared review)

Registered: Nov 7 2011
Posts: 4

I would like some help please on some functions of send for shared review.
When I try to send for shared review and choose "Automatically collect comments from my own internal server", I type the path to the shared network folder and go to next. I need to provide a name for this server profile. My Network Folder (send as attachment) already exists so I can not use it however, when I type anything (name) it does not accept. I get "The filename you specified is not valid because it does not include a .pdf extension, contains one or more invalid characters etc." I try to add .pdf extension but it still doesnt work. What am I doing wrong?
Also when I use to send for reviews, the comments collected do not appear within the document, is this correct? Or how do I set it so I can see the comments embedded within the document
Thank you in advance


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Accepted Answer
Have you made sure that your filename and folders don't contain any invalid characters?

Another thought -- I'm wondering if this is related to Acrobat's cross domain access policy. To test can you temporarily turn off Protected View under Edit > Preferences > Security (Enhanced). Then see if you run into the same problem. Also, try turning on the Cross domain log file to track the issue.
You should always run Acrobat in Protect View -- so be turn to turn it back on.

If this turns out to be the issue, then your IT administrator may need to setup a policy file.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Nov 7 2011
Posts: 4
I do not have invalid characters. However, I was thinking could it be that my pathway is 5 subfolders deep eg. Project > Department > Project folder > Project Subfolder and when I try to type a name I should just call it Project?I have turned off Protected View and named it Project and that seems to work

Thank you so much! If I encounter additional problems I will post a new thread

Have a great day!
