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Where are my stamps

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 13

I'm using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro on Windows Vista. Where are my custom stamps located on my hard drive? Aren't they all as 1 file with a long file name?
Once I find them, I want to copy them to a different computer using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro on Windows 7. Where on the 2nd computer hard drive do I put the stamp file?
Thanks for your help!

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you reread location of custom stamp files?You can use the following JavaScript:

app.alert(app.getPath ("user", "stamps"), 3, 0, "User Stamps");

In a form button mouse down action to get an alert with the user path to the stamp locations whether there are stamps there or not.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 13
Yes, I reread the post. I tried using Java console with script app.getPath ("user", "stamps")but nothing came up. I've looked for the stamps folder but can't find it.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
If you are using the JS Debugger, hight light the code, hold down the "Ctrl" key ("Option" key for Macs) and press down the numeric keypad 'Enter' key.

I get for Vista:


Where '[UserID]' is your login id for your local system. 9.0 is the version number, for X it is 10.0.

You can also add the code to a button action.

You may find multiple PDF files there. Each file contains one category of stamps.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 13
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I found them in that folder.
Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 10
Does anyone know where custom stamps are stored on a Mac with OS X Lion and Acrobat X Pro? Rather than just a file folder name, a path to it would be helpful.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
The code only identifies the folder, after that you need to open each file and look for the page with with stamp.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 10
To answer my own question, above:

Custom stamps are stored in a HIDDEN Library folder. This is NOT the Library folder found on your hard disk that also contains the Applications folder, Users folder, etc. In Mac OS 10.7 Lion, the Library folder you need is hidden.

To access the hidden Library folder:

1. In the Finder, choose Go > Go To Folder.
2. In the Go To Folder dialog, type ~/Library
3. Click Go.

Once the hidden Library dialog opens, follow this navigation path:

Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/10.0/Stamps

There you will find the stamp you created – it will have about 22 random characters in its name, followed by the .pdf suffix. You can change the name of the document, but it will look something like this: Vc_FHQjXPd98F-elgXBJBA.pdf