I'm using Acrobat alot for reviewing CADs, as about half the time we receive them in PDF format. I keep coming up against problems and was hoping someone had some advice. Thay are:
- Whenever I deselect the measurement tool the scale resets to 1:1, can this be prevented?
- I cannot find an option to embed a scale into the PDF (I suspect there isn't one... Rubbish!), anyone know how?
- I cannot seem to alter the colour/font/size of markup labels, anyone know how?
- I cannot seem to put markup labels inside a box to make readable against busy backgrounds, is it possible?
- I cannot bring a textbox/markup forward or back when overlapping, is it possible?
It is very possibly my own shortcomings, but the more I use Acrobat the more useless it seems to appear. Sorting out these problems would make working with PDFs much less of a chore, and possibly even easier than using aCAD.
As for altering markup labels, backgrounds, and layering unfortunately this isn't possible in the current shipping version (A9); however, these would make excellent [url=http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform&product=46]feature requests[/url].
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.