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Wingings as Custom Stamps

Registered: Sep 17 2008
Posts: 21

I'm an auditor that uses Windings as tickmarks for all of my workpapers. We recently obtained Acrobat v9 Standard and I'm the self-designated office software nerd that teaches all of the others the fun shortcuts.

I'm trying to add some stamps for use as tickmarks and I'm having some trouble. I tried two things:

a Creating a .bmp image and saving as a custom stamp but it looks very ugly.
b Copy+paste the tickmark straight from Word and paste to .pdf document. This works but takes forever...I want the short cut.

Does anyone have a better way to do this or a site I could get some good looking tickmarks to use as stamps? Any help is greatly appreciated.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi whitehouse,
An alternative to a wingding tick mark that (maybe) is easier.

Finding tick mark images installed with Acrobat.
Open Windows Explorer. Browse to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\
Select the Adobe folder. Right click to call up the context menu and select search.
Search on *.png | *.gif | *.jpg | *.jpeg
From the search results you will have the location of these image types.
Look them over (browse to the appropriate directory and use the thumbnails view).
Copy what appeals to a work directory or just note the location.
Create your custom stamp(s) using these.

[edit: An example PDF can be viewed at

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you tried creating a Word doc with each tick mark on a seperate page, converting the document to a PDF and then importing each page as a tick mark?

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 17 2008
Posts: 21
Both of these posts worked as stated but the last post allowed me to get the exact tickmarks I wanted. Although I did have to add one step...once the document was saved as a PDF I had to crop the tickmark to the width and height of the mark then resave. Thanks both of you!