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Acrobat 7 Prof. along with Adobe Reader 8

Registered: Aug 30 2007
Posts: 2

There were some problems when Reader 8 came out that would crop up if a user had Acrobat 7 Professional and Reader 8 installed on a computer at the same time.

Our departments are still using Acrobat 7 Prof. to make new PDF's, etc. but we've thought about having them install Reader 8 as well to take advantage of its new features.

Is having both Acrobat 7 Professional and Adobe Reader 8 on a machine at the same time still causing issues?

Registered: Nov 30 2007
Posts: 1
Hello. What kind of issues were you plagued with?

After having deployed Reader 8, one user has reported problems with the PDF buttons in Word not working properly. However, I am unable to replicate this problem on my own workstation...

If anyone knows of these kinds of problems with Acrobat Pro 7 and Reader 8 please post your experiences here.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
You might want to check out this discussion topic regarding co-existing installation of Acrobat and Reader at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for