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Acrobat 8 Pro and Vista issues

Registered: Apr 20 2009
Posts: 2

I recently bought a laptop with Vista installed and have loaded CS3. However, Acrobat 8 Pro will not load. I keep seeing all kinds of potential fixes in both Vista and Acrobat forums but not sure which comes first...the chicken or the egg?

If I tried to install 8.1, I get a message that Acrobat Pro 8 is not installed. If I try to install Acrobat Pro 8 first, I get the message that I need my Vista disk (where would I get one?) because it is looking for AcrobatPDF.dll file. Is there a fix that should be done in Vista first, or is there a better path through Adobe first? I feel like I have tried everything but still not able to create a pdf from anything except CS3 components.

Thanks for any feedback!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
It may be that there was a problem with your original installation of CS3. You might try uninstalling CS3 and running the Adobe CS3Clean Script and then reinstalling and then applying your update as suggested in the following [url=]technical note[/url].

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jun 22 2009
Posts: 1
I install Windows 7 on Dell 830. And I am happy with ... till now. Install Acrobat 8 pro... with breaks (not proper build-in wondows installer work). Acrobat works, but I miss contaxt menus in Office 2007 applications Like "save as" or "print to pdf.
Who know how to fix?
Thank you.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Cajnik wrote:
I install Windows 7 on Dell 830. And I am happy with ... till now. Install Acrobat 8 pro... with breaks (not proper build-in wondows installer work). Acrobat works, but I miss contaxt menus in Office 2007 applications Like "save as" or "print to pdf.
Who know how to fix?
Thank you.
You might want to try posting this question in the following thread since these folks are also working with Acrobat on Windows 7 (unsupported OS at this point):

[url=Acro Pro via CS4 Master onto Windows 7 x64 = No PDF Printer?]Acro Pro via CS4 Master onto Windows 7 x64 = No PDF Printer?[/url]

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for