Last week the hard drive on my laptop bit the dust, and had to be replaced. I had considerable trouble reinstalling Acrobat Professional 8.0. The program installed itself without difficulty, and popped up the expected activation window. Plus it allowed activation. So far so good.
This morning I tried to print a document as a pdf file (a process I use very frequently for storing particular kinds of documents), and was told to activate the software. Again.
And when I tried to do so using the Activate/Deactivate links on the Help tab I found both of them greyed out. So I am now unable to active my installation.
What should I do? Do I have to uninstall, then reinstall? Then activate?
Any help will stop my grey hairs from turning white!!
I've watched this problem when installing Illustrator or Photoshop after Acrobat.
If you're not able to de-/activiate Acrobat again, you should try a repair installation, worked for me!
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Documents you need:
• LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs