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Cant get Reader to work or install

Registered: Aug 30 2007
Posts: 2

My adobe acrobat reader is broken. Had Windows XP crash, reloaded, but now cannot use Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.1 which came with computer. Also cannot install new Adobe version or delete existing version. Get message that says "Adobe program I am trying to access is on external media--please install your Adobe 6.0.1 CD_ROM." But I dont have a CD ROM for Adobe-it came loaded on the machine!
Sorry for this idotic situation, but really would like to get Adobe back on my computer. Can anyone help? Thank you. Brian

My Product Information:
Reader 6.0.1, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Here are a couple of options that may work.

(1.) Do a system restore back to the date Reader was working properly.

(2.) Find a techie that knows how to edit the registry in MS Windows and delete all references of Adobe Reader and Acrobat. Caution: You will need the original installation disk for Acrobat to reinstall Acrobat 6.0. You'll also need to download a fresh copy of Adobe Reader.

Sometimes when one uninstalls a program, some of the installation files are still on the hard drive. To remove them, run Disk Clean Up and Defrag the hard drive.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.