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Can't Install Acrobat 8.1 Patch

Registered: Jun 11 2007
Posts: 12

I can't install the 8.1 update Acrobat Pro patch (either standalone or with Adobe Updater.) An error message indicating the patch fails because the application was modified since original installation. BUT IT WASN'T. I have uninstalled & reinstalled Acrobat, but still can't install the patch. Can you suggest a fix?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
It sounds like a registry problem. Contact a person you trust to edit your system registry. Delete all reference of Acrobat 8.0 after it has been uninstalled. Reinstall Acrobat 8.0 and try to install the patch.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Jun 11 2007
Posts: 12
Thanks for your response. I thought I signed up as a Macintosh user in this user group. So, I raise the question, "Are you responding thinking that I'm working in a Windows environment becuase 'system registry' is not a term I've heard before in the Mac environment and when posed in Apple's forums, the following response is offered, "There is no "Registry" in OS X. What problem are you having or what is it you are trying to do? "

Anyone with Mac knowledge, please respond.
Registered: Jun 29 2007
Posts: 1
Hi dddamore,

I don't have an answer, but figured I'd share that I'm having the exact same problem. So you aren't alone!

I've uninstalled, logged in as root and installed and tried to update, repaired permissions, repaired the disk, rebuilt the directory using DiskWarrior – none of it has worked.

Unrelated to this thread, I've been having quite a few unexpected quits and kernel panics since I've installed CS3 - and on multiple machines in our design shop. I imagine there are still a few kinks that need to be worked out.
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
The responding experts to questions on this forum are mainly Acrobat Pro Windows users and may not always be able to help Mac users. Although it may cost a little, I suggest contacting Adobe support related to the OS and Adobe application (InDesign, CS3, etc.) that you have registered.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.