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Deploy "Display in browser" setting in Reader 9.1.1

Registered: May 27 2009
Posts: 3

We deployed the 9.1.1 msp update to all of our clients but we realized that it unchecks "Display PDF in browser," so now I need to figure out how to get that checkbox rechecked for every current user and any new user that logs on.

I know that all I need to do is delete bBrowserIntegration in HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Originals but this will only change for the currently logged on user. For shared machines that we currently have deployed in our environment how to I change this setting for all of the users that are currently not logged on or for any future users that may log on?

Thanks for any help.

Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248

Hurm.... we did the deployment of 9.1.1 for Reader and didn't notice this. Different environment, different headaches.

To back-patch the patch you would have to either build your own .MSP and deploy it to take care of this. Or via login script.

I have a funny feeling that building your own .MSP would not work. I would think Adobe has some sort of block preventing third party patches.

The login script is, I admit, a total, blatent, hack. But it is something that is easy to implement. Should be fairly straightforward to deploy and difficult for users to break.

A third option might be through the Scheduled Job tool in Control Panel. The advantage there is that you can have it execute either as the login user or as a third user that maybe has more rights. One of the options is run at login.

Like with anything, testing is key.

I hope with some of my mumblings a workable solution emerges on your end.



Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.