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Does Acrobat support install to network option

Registered: Dec 9 2008
Posts: 3

I was just wondering if any version of Acrobat supported installation to a network location. I realize there would be different licensing requirements, but we have a client with several desktops and they would like to install Acrobat on the network for everyone to use, instead of on each individual desktop.

They aren't licensed for Terminal Services, so installing to the server and having everyone use it via RDP isn't an option.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
This may be of some use:

How can I set up Acrobat or Acrobat Distiller Server for Adobe PDF creation over a network?Under the terms of the End-User License Agreement, you can use the Acrobat Distiller watched folders on a network to automatically distill Adobe PostScript® files into Adobe PDF files only if you have purchased either one license of Acrobat for every user who needs to access Acrobat Distiller or one license of Acrobat Distiller Server for each set of 100 nonconcurrent users using a specific enterprise local or wide-area network. Once you create a PostScript file, you can send it over the network to the Acrobat Distiller watched folder and Acrobat Distiller automatically converts the file into an Adobe PDF file. You can even set up your PostScript file destination to be the watched folder, which makes the process even more convenient.
[url=]Frequently asked questions about Adobe Acrobat licensing[/url]

Information about Adobe Distiller Server

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Be well...

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
You can install Acrobat for use on a network; however, every individual that accesses the software needs to be licensed. There is further detail on this in the Acrobat [url=]EULA[/url] under the server use section.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for