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Is there a way to auto-accept the Adobe Reader License?

Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 5

Here's the situation - I've got a Windows 2008 Terminal Services enviroment where the TS profile for everyone who logs in automatically launches our business system's GUI front end - they don't get a desktop environment. We're supposed to be able to attach files, like PDF's, to records in the application. I recently discovered that Adobe Reader was not installed on our Terminal Services servers so no one could open any embedded PDF's.

I went ahead and installed Adobe Reader on each server and started testing. If a person logs in and then attempts to access an embedded PDF, the Business system GUI freezes and eventually fails. The cause, it seems, is that the business system GUI supresses the display of the initial startup screen for Adobe Reader - this is the same screen where a user when he/she first launches Adobe Reader after installation has to click on "Accept" to accept the license agreement for the software. No screen means no clicking on "Accept" means frozen application.

I've got dozens of user profiles on each of these TS servers. It will be a pain to have each of these users sign in to each server through another application just to launch Adobe Reader, click on "Accept", close the Reader, and then sign out.

Is there a way, say through the registry, where I can auto-accept the license for all my users?


My Product Information:
Reader 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
I would try using the [url=]Customization Wizard[/url] for this.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for