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30 forms with same field-names - are pkgs the only way?

Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 2

I have 30 forms all starting at 1 or some other overlaping number. They each have around 70 text fields and/or buttons and MOST of the data really isn't related. I want to combine them into a single pdf file - and then edit the single pdf file to better manage the entire document.

Is there any way I can resequence them (i.e. file 1 has fields 1..70, and then resequence file 2 to have fields 100..170; file 3 200.282...)? It is perfectly fine if I must resequence each of the 30 files. I just don't want to manually rename each field in each file. Is there a script or function that will do this?

TIA to anyone that can help (or even those that look :) ).

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
There isn't an easy way to resequence them especially if you'd like the names to be meaningful. So, you'll either need to use Packages as you mention or rename them. Ted Padova has a good article on Field Naming Conventions that you might find beneficial at:

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