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[Acrobat 9] Tab order by clicking

Registered: Jun 14 2009
Posts: 3

Hi there,
I've got the following problem: Once upon a time... I made a form with the Live Cycle Designer. The Form had over 300 fields. With Acrobat 8 I had the possibilty to determine the tab order by clicking the single fields and set on that way the tab order. Now, meanwhile with Acrobat 9, I came back to this document and reset the tab order but I couldn't find the option to do it again by clicking. I just found this terribe list in which I'm able to order the fields with such sweet arrows but with 300 fields this is just not reasonable. Has anybody an idea how I could manage this problem? Or did I just oversee the option for clicking?

Thanks in advance,

Registered: May 22 2009
Posts: 11
That tab order reset is actually easier to use than clicking on the fields the old way once you get used to it. They are just drag and drop. Your fields appear in the list in the order they are accessed. They also highlight on the form you are working on in blue when you click on them in the list, so you can be sure you are moving the correct one. Give it a try. I think you'll like it. I do complex forms myself and find the new version to be much easier to use. - D
Registered: Jan 12 2011
Posts: 1
I am sure this is dumb question - but after 10 minutes of digging on menus and web - where are "tabs"?
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875

To set the field tab order, you need to be in forms editing mode. The fields pane will appear on the left and list all of the fields on the page/document.

Unlike ddearborn, I find setting a manual tab order to be the very worst thing about forms authoring in Acrobat 9/10, even of you ignore the extreme bugginess that Adobe has taken so long to address or apparently even acknowledge.