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Acrobat crashing when adding radio button

Registered: Jun 8 2010
Posts: 6

Hi everybody,

(I did a search on my problem - couldn't seem to find an exact matching problem, sorry if this has been covered in another thread before)

I have a problem with form editing in my Acrobat Pro 9.3.2 on a Mac (PowerPC) running mac OSX 10.5.8.

I haven't had problems up until now, and I've made numerous forms in PDFs before. (although, nothing fancy, no scripts or anything)

But a few days ago it beagn to crash, every time I try to add a radio button. In the form I'm trying to make, I start out, making two text fields (no formatting), and then on to a series of radio buttons. I get to make one, but when I try to make the next, it either: 1) doesn't react at all or 2) crashes Acrobat.

I haven't made any changes to my machine the last week, and the PDF are all pretty simple, single page documents.

Hope to get some advice, or perhaps a few pointers on how to troubleshoot my problem.

Thanks in advance.


Registered: Jun 8 2010
Posts: 6
Just to add: This morning I tried to add fields to the very same document, and I was able to add 10 radio buttons (in two groups) and 4 unformatted text fields.

When I try to add the 3rd group of radio buttons I promptly receive a popup saying; "There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit"

I've restarted Acrobat a few times, but I get the same result every time I attempt to add the radio button(s)

*sigh* Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Registered: Feb 25 2011
Posts: 1
I've been driving myself crazy over a similar issue. When I went to add form fields to one version of a form, it would work perfectly. However, when I went to do the same thing to an updated version of the form it would crash. VERY FRUSTRATING! Here's how I solved my issue. I deduced that it was most likely the PDF Producer metadata. I noticed and tested if the PDF Producer information/metadata was missing from the document then the document crashed. I initally tried to find ways to populate the PDF Producer through the Files -> Properties -> Description -> Additional Metadata -> Advanced screen to no avail. So I then tried to figure out how the PDF Producer information was being removed from the document. In my case, it was happening during the PDF Optimization process. So now when I optimize my document, I UNCHECKED "Discard document information and metadata" under Advanced -> PDF Optimizer -> Discard User Data. Thus retaining the PDF Producer information. Hope this helps someone in the future from going insane over the same issue.