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Acrobat Forms - Make a rollover stick and print

Acrobat 9Team
Registered: Aug 17 2006
Posts: 8

Is there a way to make a rollover stick and unstick as well as print. The rollover field is populated by a database and can be rather long so I don't want it to be a regular field as it will cover up parts of the form that need to be filled in.

Cynthia Rudy, is CEO of C Graphics Inc., a computer training and consulting firm since 1983, based out of Denver Colorado. Cynthia is an Adobe Certified Expert, CTT+ certified, member of the Adobe Professional Group and Chair of the Denver Acrobat Users G

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
The tooltip is pretty much automatic. You can set the text but you can't make it display or print.

You can however create an alternate tooltip display that can be printed. Collect all of the tooltips from all of the fields and put them into growable text field. You can make the field invisible when you don't want it printed or displayed.

Thom Parker
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