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Acrobat X and hiding/displaying field in a PFD portfolio

Registered: Feb 15 2011
Posts: 14

I have Acrobat 9.0 standard in stalled on one machine and X on another.
With 9 while having a PDF portfolio open, I can click on Modify - view and then check and uncheck fields to be displayed or not. This Modify button is located under the menu bar.
WHERE is it in X, I have searched for 2 days and always have revert back to 9 to hide fields.
So here I am asking for HELP. This is probably so simple, but I have not got it yet.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
In Standard, you must right-click anywhere on the Portfolio and choose "Edit Portfolio" from the context menu.
Registered: Feb 15 2011
Posts: 14
Let me clarify what I was trying to explain. I created a form in LiveCycle 3. I distributed and it created a response .pdf. When I open this response .pdf in Acrobat Standard 9.0 I get a modify button located underneath the menu bar. When I open the same response .pdf in Acrobat Pro X I do not get this modify button nor can I locate it anywhere. I have radio button fields that just have a 1 or 2 that don't need to be displayed. I want to eliminate the unnecessary fields in this response .pdf. Again, in Acrobat Standard 9.0 I can go to the modify button, then view, then I have a list of all the fields and I can simply check (or uncheck) one or all (one at a time, though, I haven't figured out how to do that quicker - that's another story).
Thanks for responding.
