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Is ADBC the way to go?

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93


I am looking for some information and guidance. I want to know the best way to tackle the following task, I have been dabbling around a with Adobe Pro the last two weeks just briefly exploring the various features and in particular the way forms work.

My mission essentially is to take data from various rows and columns in an excel spreadsheet which our company uses. I then need to use that data to populate a PDF.

The current method I have been looking at is to save the data to a tab delimited TXT file in excel then to import that data into the PDF file - It works but its too fiddly for my liking.

I have been told that ADBC is another method to go about this, but I have no experience on how to do this (or much experience with Adobe pro!). I have been playing around getting an ODBC connection working between excel files so I "kind of know" what its getting at, but realistically I need a starting point. Does anyone know of any sites with good in depth tutorials, even a basic ADBC connection tutorial would be useful just to get me on my way, and the main thing to ask I guess is - is the approach I should be taking? If not, what is the best way?

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93