I'm working on a PDF and i'm making it into a editable form. I have multiple lines to fill on the form. Whenever I use the text box, i want to be able to type on the form with the words matching the form lines on the PDF. So I was wondering how to fix the leading of the text to match the PDFs lines on the form. Thanks.
There are two options that I know about. One would be to type some sample words (a few lines) in your PDF, print it out, measure distance between the lines; and then remake the Word document with that spacing. Big hassle. Then remake the PDF. A lot of dithering.
The option that I like is simplicity itself. I get rid of all the lines in Word, and just make a simple rectangular box with no lines as my form field in the PDF. It looks just like the box that this message is in. You don't need the lines. The typed words in your PDF will be perfectly straight. I do this all the time and no one has ever complained!!
Try it!!
Hope this helps....
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