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Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 - Forms Distribution Limits

Registered: Mar 31 2010
Posts: 6

I have recently been testing the forms creation and distribution facility in Acrobat Pro 9 and managed to add a working submit button to my form - the intension being we would email forms to our prospective clients for them to complete and return (all electronically). The company I work for were really impressed and asked me to find out how much the programme would cost to install etc, however when I looked at the small print for the programme I noticed it limits forms distribution to 500? Is this right, only if it is then I need to go back to the drawing board!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi SamIM,

This topic is one of the most frequently asked about here. A search of the forums using "500 Limit" returned this list-

Read a few of those threads to get a pretty good picture of this issue.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Mar 31 2010
Posts: 6
Thank you, but I am still struggling to understand what we need to do in order to be able to use the software but not fall foul of the 500 limit. I'm not a techy person, I have simply been instructed to look for software that allows me to create a form that I can individually talior to a project and then email it out for the recipient to complete electronically and email back. I trialled the Pro 9 and it did what we wanted but then I saw the small print. We will definately exceed the 500 limit as the form would go out with all our fee quotations. All I need to know is exactly what software I need to purchase in order to achieve our goal - why do Adobe make things so difficult!
Registered: Mar 31 2010
Posts: 6
I'm loosing the will to live... I have just spoken to a lady in Adobe Technical Support (sales couldn't help me) and she informed me that Acrobat Pro 9 didn't have any forms distribution restrictions ARGH! Clearly she isn't reading the same technical specification they have posted on their website. Where to go from here - surely it can't be this difficult to find someone who can give me a straight forward answer? Simply do I have to buy Acrobat Pro 9 and then buy the Livecyle ES2 forms module? Will that get round the problem. Disgruntled would be purchaser!