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Adobe Tracker - Data Collection, Organization, Formatting

Registered: Mar 22 2011
Posts: 10

I am learning to use Adobe Acrobat X Pro, hoping that Adobe Tracker is a good thing for my job tasks. I am confused about display options in Tracker since I can't seem to find any way to control how survey results are shown.
When, for example, I distribute a simple form with a question, "Did you eat lunch today?" with a check box, then my recipients submit their answers back to me (in this case with the check box 'checked' or 'unchecked') All I can see in the View Responses section of Adobe Tracker is that there is a column, which is labeled "checkbox1" and 0's and 1's.
I understand computing well enough to know that the answer "1" means that the recipient ate his lunch and "0" means that he didn't, but how can I present such array of numbers to someone, who has no computer programming experience?
Is there a way to make my survey results more descriptive and reader friendly? I would at least like for it to show what the question is asking, and either "yes" or "no" instead of a list of binary numbers.
There must be something I can do, perhaps, in the process of authoring the form in form generators such as Livecyle Designer and the like. I hope there is a solution to this that is simple enough.
A workaround is for me to go though a lengthy post editing process in a spreadsheet editor like MS Excel after the results have been exported. I would very much like to avoid this if I can.
If any subscriber of this forum knows of a proper technique, I would love to hear about it. Thank you in advance for your expert opinions.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Accepted Answer

Give to the Yes checkbox the "yes" export value, and give the "no" export value to the other checkbox.
These values will appear in the Tracker.

Registered: Mar 22 2011
Posts: 10
Thank you.

Is it also possible to manipulate the appearance of each column header? The only way I can change this is by renaming the fields and checkboxes, which does not allow the use of spaces in between words.

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Sure : in the "Responses" portfolio double-clic on any row header to change it.
