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Attaching files to a PDF Form

Registered: Nov 14 2011
Posts: 1

Im a baby in Acrobat x pro so I am not familiar with all the functionalities, any help is greatly appreciated.
I created an application form in MS Word then coverted it in a PDF fill in form, and is being distributed via (I'm using all windows)
I want respondents to attach files to the PDF form before submitting the application. Is this possible to do in the form? if yes how?
also, if is possible to do this, when the person submits it the form would I be able to get the files in the acrobat tracker and download them so that I can save them in my hard drive? if not how do I get the attached forms?
Sorry for all questions!!!
THANKS A BUNCH! for responding this!

Maria Giraldo

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.1, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
If it has to work with Reader, the only way for a Reader user to attach a file as as a comment, which they will be able to do in any location on any page. If you're collecting the responses by email you can manually extract the attachments with Acrobat, or open a returned document that gets added to the responses file and extract any attachments.