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Auto Save As a file with certain filled in text on form.

Registered: Feb 10 2011
Posts: 2

Hi everyone,
My name is Enrique, this is my first post and not my last, I'm positive of that. I'm new to using Acrobat in an extensive manner. I'm working on making this Work Order for my company and I would like the file to automatically "Save As" base on the Customer name and PO number. I'm using Acrobat X Pro. I read this wonderful tutorial : ( ) but quite frankly I don't understand it ! I have never written Script before and also, it's based on Acrobat 9 Pro which doesn’t make things easier for a newbie like me to understand since I’m using X.
I attached a link where I uploaded the file to see if someone can help guide me in the right direction on how to make this work. If you can downloaded and see what I have to do to make it work I would really appreciate it and willing to pay a fee (just send me your paypal!)
I would like to get the file to automatically name itself based on the Customer name and PO if possible and auto fill number of items based on how many P/N item forms are filled in.
p.s. Moderators if I violated any rules, I apologize.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Welcome to the forums!

Regarding your question: If you followed the tutorial you probably saw that in order to do that you must install a "privileged" code on your machine, and then call it from your file in order to be able to use saveAs from a button.
Have you tried doing that? And if so, what was the result?

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Feb 10 2011
Posts: 2
try67 wrote:
Welcome to the forums!Regarding your question: If you followed the tutorial you probably saw that in order to do that you must install a "privileged" code on your machine, and then call it from your file in order to be able to use saveAs from a button.
Have you tried doing that? And if so, what was the result?
I have no idea how to do that. Do you where i can find a a video tutorial or a picture tutorial for me to learn ?

