I'm having difficulties with text fields within Acrobat.
I'd like to have a multiline text box hold text that is initially 36 point font size, but also have the text size set to 'Auto' so that the text will automatically begin to downsize once the user has begun entering in more than the textbox area can take.
In Acrobat Pro, it seems that the initial value of the text size is 12 points once 'Auto' is set on a multiline textbox and that there is on way to override this behavior.
In Livecycle version 8, I've attempted creating the same multiline box and setting the size of the text to '0' but it the text will not autosize within these PDFs either.
Is there a trick to getting around this, or am I out of luck?
Has others ran across this issue?
Searching Google and a few different forums, including this forum, doesn't seem to bring up any person with a question similar to this.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I have a livecycle text field set to size '0' so that the text will downsize should the text not fit into the space provided.
However I would like the initial font size to be set to 10 and then downsize should the text not fit in the field so that the text does not look disparate to the rest of the fields on the page. At the moment the text is huge when I only have a few characters in that field.