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Cahnging font or enable text wrap on a fillable form

Registered: Oct 2 2009
Posts: 2

I have a form from my insurance company that I can fill out and print. The problems I have is in some cases the information I must enter will not fit in the prescribed area and it overflows outside the area and is not readable. Is there a way to either decrease the font size or enable a text wrap that wraps text as well as reducing the font size so I can fill out the form with all information visible. I am using Adobe Acrobat Standard version 8.1.6


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.6, Windows
Registered: Feb 6 2009
Posts: 105
Hi Foppas21

You can set the text size to Auto, meaning that if your text extends beyond the viewable area, it'll start resizing the text so it all fits in the text field. To do this:

1. Double Click on the text field, or press Ctrl+i. This opens up the properties window.
2. Go to the Appearances tab.
3. Change the font si[u]z[/u]e to Auto.
4. Go to the options tab.
5. Check on [u]M[/u]ulti-line checkbox.
Registered: Dec 29 2010
Posts: 5
Is there a way to make this work in Acrobat 9 or to even set it up that way when the form is created in livecycle Designer es 8.2. I have created a form in designer and have had several issues. Every time I think I have it set and without problems someone calls back with another issue. I thought I had make the commenet boxes big enough but I guess not. Since the form is six pages and I have comments sections throughout the form I have not figured out how to make it work. I would like the font to shrink as they type if it is to long.

Any help would be great

