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Calculated value is incorrect

Registered: Jun 29 2010
Posts: 3

My form computes test results. It has coumns for 4 tests. All of the calculations work properly except the seventh one in each column. That one will give a bogus result until another data entry is made any where on the form. Can someone tell me why?

The script in the problem block is

var v1 = +getField("Field15a").value;
var v2 = +getField("Cyla").value;

event.value = (v2 !== 0) ? (v1 / v2) : "";

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you checked the form field calculation order?

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 29 2010
Posts: 3
You lost me. The calculation causing the problem is located below all of the input cells it uses. Nothing shows in the problem block until the last piece of data is entered. Then it shows an incorrect value until I enter another value below it or in another column.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The problem is that Acrobat does not calculate by location on the form, but by order of field creation. You need to manually set the field calculation order by "Forms => Edit form in Acrobat" then "Forms => Edit Fields => Set Field Calculation Order..." and move the form field up or down as necessary. See 'Set the calculation order of form fields' in Help for more information.

George Kaiser