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Calculating fields

Registered: Nov 24 2008
Posts: 33

I am using Acrobat Pro 8.0 to perform simple calculations. So far, I have added and multiplied with no problems.

Now, I'm only trying to add three fields together and one of those three fields happens to be a total from a previous calculation. The total from these three fields is way off! Can I email the page to someone to look at? I don't know what to do. I've reinserted the fields I want to add multiple times. I've also tried simplied field notation.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
This sounds like you are having a problem with the field calculaiton order. If the form was created with Acrobat and not LiveCycle Designer, you need to 'Forms => Edit the form in Acrobat' and then you can access the 'Forms => Edit Fields => Set Field Calculation Order".

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 24 2008
Posts: 33
Yes, this form was created in Acrobat, not LiveCycle.

I went to Set Field Calculation, but the fields that were listed in the Set Field Calculation box are not a part of the calculation I'm having trouble with.
Registered: Nov 24 2008
Posts: 33
I THINK that I fixed my problem! One of my fields I was adding had a default value I had written with a comma in the number... i.e. 1,300. I changed it to 1300 and now my calculation works.

It's very strange, because I was adding all whole numbers, and just because the comma was in there, I was given an answer with decimal points.

Thanks for your help and sorry to bother!
Registered: May 16 2009
Posts: 10
"The value you have entered does not match the format of the field [xxx.xx]" I get this response in six of my calculated fields on a form. Once there is data in the first row of my form all is fine. I have checked all my field formatting and all are set to "number" (don't think the $ sign is significant). But the fields that give me the error are custom calculation fields with

var a=this.getField("xxx.xx");
var b=this.getField("zzz.zz");

But like I said all is fine after data is entered into the fist row of fields????
Registered: May 16 2009
Posts: 10
The value you entered does not match....?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308

The "this.getField(sFieldName')" is used to get the field object and you can not set the field picture.

The problem was that the OP uses a character string data for a default value, the coma in the default value. The default value should have been entered with just a decimal point and not other formatting strings. The formatting strings are for the display format only.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 16 2009
Posts: 10
Thanks for the info, were good now.