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Calculating Fields and warning when over 100%

Registered: Nov 2 2007
Posts: 35

Could someone point me in the right direction as to how I can create a form for the following request.
We have a fund switch form where customers can switch a percentage or a value of their funds to another fund,but they have an option of 30 different funds, so if they choose to change 20 funds all the percentages must not add up to more than 100%, and also if they choose to switch a percentage they cannot switch a value in another fund and visa versa.
I'm not sure if this sort of form can be done in acrobat or will it have to be in LifeCycle designer and also would it need scripts.
thanks in advance for you help
Paul Horsley

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
The "+"operator is the addition and concatenation operator. How the "+" operator is used depends upon the type of values being operated on, number or character string. If a numbers then addition is preformed, but if any variable is a variable is a character string then catenation of the strings is preformed.

Are there any alphabetic characters, symbols, blanks, periods, null characters present?

If so you either need to skip them or convert them to a numeric zero.

Null characters can be converted to a numeric zero using the 'Number()' constrictor.

Sum vs. Plus

George Kaiser