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Calculating Percentages

Registered: Jul 24 2009
Posts: 43


I am working on a form in Acrobat 8 that will calculate percentages.
I would like the person entering the information to key in a number and have Adobe automatically translate to a percentage. This field will also be used in a calculation.

For example:
50 would be keyed and then translated to 50%.
But it should read .50 when calculating.
I do not want the person ordering to have to key in decimal points when entering.

I know there is an option under "Text field properties=>Format=>" to choose percentage, but this option will only translate a number to a percentage if it is keyed in as decimal.

Hope someone can help.

Thank you in advanced!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Your users will need to enter the information in as a decimal so 50% is entered as 0.50. Just like it is in MS Access. Other wise you will need to do a lot of custom coding for input, formatting, and calculating.

George Kaiser