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Can I do this? Make information copy to another field upon entry?

Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73

I'm using Acrobat Professional 7.0 on Windows XP.

I need to make a form that is two pages. Some of the information the user enters needs to copy from page 1 to page 2 upon entry. The information will go into text fields and check boxes.

The reason for this, is because I am converting an existing duplicate form on NCR paper (carbonless) to a PDF document. The second page is exactly the same as the first page, except there is an area on page 2 that employees complete that cannot go on page 1. Both pages must print, one with the basic information entered, and the other with the "extra stuff". (One is our copy and one is for the customer.)

My plan is to make a form in InDesign that is exactly like page 1 and 2 of the existing form, and export it as a PDF. Then, I'll make the form fields and check boxes in Acrobat Professional 7.0.

Is this the route I should go? Is there another way? Is there something with visibility or "visible but don't print" settings? Please help!!! Thanks in advance.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
In LiveCycle Designer, use the binding option of "global" or for AcroForms give both fields the same name.

George Kaiser