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Can I make a password required to edit a form field?

Laura VonFange
Registered: Jun 3 2009
Posts: 5

I have Adobe Acrobat 9.1 and I am trying to put together a template PDF of our letterhead that our employees can type a letter on and send the PDF of the letter to customers via e-mail. I created the letterhead template using Illustrator and printed it as a pdf. For the body of the letter I created one big multi-line form field for them to type the letter into.
The problem is, of course, I do not want our customers to be able to edit the letter. Is there anyway I can set a password to be required to edit the form field?

When I'm editing the form, I see that in the Text Field Properties, under Options, there is a checkbox for Password but it's greyed out and I'm not able to check it. Does anyone know how to turn that checkbox on?

Also, if you have any better ideas on how to create a secure letter template PDF, please let me know.


Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 71
Hi Laura,

is it possible your employees just print the letter as pdf
(possible with several free Pdf printer drivers, too) and
then send the saved result to customer?

For this kind of things I use normally word processing
programs with custom templates and print as pdf.


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Laura VonFange
Registered: Jun 3 2009
Posts: 5
So far, our company doesn't have any PDF printer drivers installed on the computers, but yes, that would be the ideal solution. I'll have to look into that with our IT department.

I guess I was trying to find a simple way to get around having to install PDF printer drivers on the 60+ employees computers here! It seems like putting a password on a PDF form field would be simple to do but I've tried so many help forums and I just can't find any information on how to do it.

Thanks for the suggestion! :)
Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 71
Hi Laura,

maybe you can do it something like this:

// have field 'userIn'
// first thing when opening the form, collect the text
var sField = this.getField("userIn").value

// add this to field to test change
// you can use 'event.willCommit', 'event.change', 'event.rc'

var cRtn = app.response ({
cQuestion:"Enter the password for editing the form.", cTitle:"Editing the field",
bPassword:true, cLabel:"Password"});

if (cRtn == "1234")
// this is password, not very secure way, but locks are for honest people
//app.alert("Editing possible!"); //collect changed text
sField = this.getField("userIn").value
//app.alert("Editing impossible"); // return original text!!
this.getField("userIn").value = sField;

According to most IT HelpDesk people, the most common reason for user error (regardless of Operating System) is ID 10T.