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Can I set my form up to enter correct date based on calculation?

Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73

I am creating a form in Acrobat Professional 8.0 (for Windows). I'd like to do the following:

The user enters a date in "Today's Date" field. (MM/DD/YY)

The user enters a number of days in "Number of Days" field. (2 thru 11)

The user tabs to the next field and the "Today's Date" field adds the number of days entered in the "Number of Days" field, takes into account weekends and federal holidays, and automatically enters an end date in a third field.

Can I program the third field (a date field) to calculate the first date plus the number of days the user enters in the second field to come up with an ACCURATE end date?

It is crucial that the end date is accurate based on weekends and federal holidays or I cannot use the feature, if it even exists. I was told that this feature does exist in Microsoft Excel, so I thought if Excel can do it, Acrobat should too.

Thanks in advance for any help!!

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Check out Thom Parker's article on "Working with date and time in Acrobat Javascript" at:

He also has a working days calculator sample at:

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